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Mrs Edbrooke loves body-boarding in Cornwall

Mrs Edbrooke, Deputy Head of Redmaids' High Junior School 

What do you most enjoy about living in Bristol?
I love Bristol and I’ve adopted it as my hometown. It is so vibrant, with great cafes, bars and theatres and there’s always something going on. My favourite thing to do is to walk around Bristol Docks, stopping to have a coffee and watching the world go by.

What book did you last read?
I have just revisited the Dark Materials trilogy which was a real treat reliving the saga of Lara Silvertongue. I am currently reading Where the Crawdads Sing by Delia Owens, which is a mixture of coming-of-age story, a murder mystery and a celebration of nature all rolled into one.

What is your favourite film or TV show?
I always have a box set on the go and have just finished watching The Crown. However my favourite TV programme is The Repair Shop, this is the perfect way to unwind after a busy day at school. I don’t think I’ve ever got through a programme without shedding at least one tear.

What is your greatest achievement?
Getting married and having my two children.

What is your favourite memory from your school days?
I loved school especially the primary years. Stand out lessons were always maths and science, but I loved playtime too.

What three words would your closest friends use to describe you?
Happy, positive and approachable

Tell us about a surprising hobby/interest you have.
I have recently started a new hobby. Despite being a ‘knitter’, I have never mastered the art of crocheting. However, I have just joined a group called Octopus for a Preemie who crochet little octopuses to comfort babies who are born prematurely. I am determined to produce my first octopus by the end of the Easter holidays.

How do you relax away from work?
I swim regularly and I particularly love to swim outdoors whenever I can, ideally in the sea. Cornwall is my favourite place to escape to. Exploring the coastal footpath or body boarding is the perfect way to relax.

Date Posted: 23 March, 2020

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