Headteacher's blog: Top tips for settling in to school
We know that girls do better, academically, at all-girls’ schools, but to really understand the benefit of a single-sex education, you need to visit us and see it for yourself.
You would experience first-hand the adventurous nature of the girls here who spend time caving, kayaking and climbing or the sports teams that regularly compete at county, regional and national levels. Even at break-time, you’ll find our girls out in all weathers, more-often-than not enjoying a robust game of football or touch rugby – there’s no such thing as gender-stereotyping here.
You would also meet our lively, eloquent Year 6 girls who have reached the national finals of the First Lego League National Robotics Competition – and, each year, are surprised to discover they are one of only a handful of all-girls teams.
As the girls here are encouraged to speak up, they become accustomed to articulating their thoughts, or performing in front of their peers with confidence and composure. So you would see first-hand just how eager and willing they are to answer any questions you may have.
We are privileged to help shape the energetic and enquiring young girls who start their journey in our Junior School and experience great pride in witnessing the accomplished, purposeful young people they become in our Senior School.
Don’t under-estimate the power of a single-sex education – or at least, pay us a visit and then decide for yourself.
Mrs Lisa Brown, Headteacher
Alternatively, contact our Junior Admissions Registrar, Lynn McCabe at junioradmissions@redmaidshigh.co.uk or call 0117 989 8427.