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The benefits of healthy eating for academic success


Good nutrition is essential. A balanced diet that includes plenty of water, protein, fat, complex carbohydrates, fibre, and a range of fruit and vegetables with vitamins and minerals, is key for a healthy body and a healthy mind.

And for students it is especially important that they are well nourished, not only to support their growth as they develop into young adults, but also to help them successfully navigate the demands of school life.

Research has shown that students with healthier eating habits have consistent energy and better behaviour patterns throughout the day. Spending time outdoors to boost their vitamin D intake also complements this, and as a result, they are less likely to be sick with fewer absent days recorded. This increased time in class means students will have fewer interruptions with their learning throughout the school year, and their good behaviour will cause fewer disruptions in the classroom, overall creating a better learning environment for themselves and everyone else around them.

When we also observe the emotional and mental wellbeing of students, we know that it is just as important as their physical health for them to be the happiest and best version of themselves - and food can play a significant role with this too. Enjoying a diverse diet full of nutrients has proven to help students have higher self-esteem, engage more in social circles and establish stronger relationships with those around them. Ensuring plenty of omega-3 fatty acids too helps to support better concentration and memory, a higher interest in learning, and a much more stabilized mood to deal with any highs and lows over the longer term. For teenagers in particular, food plays a crucial role in their maturity and mental capacity; it helps them develop their reasoning and perception skills, which leads to significantly enhanced cognitive aptitude – all vital skills they need to flourish in their academic life.

When we consider all of these physical and mental benefits of healthy eating, at Redmaids’ High we recognise that it plays such an important role in helping our students reach their full potential - their increased learning and consistent application of themselves to their studies without doubt results in higher grades. This, accompanied by their increased capability to manage academic success alongside a thriving extra-curricular schedule, as well as flourishing in their social lives, offers each and every one of our students the opportunity of a fulfilled life.

Our Head of Food Technology Mrs. Pearce says, “From Year 7 when students join Redmaids’ High we teach them about the importance of a varied diet, helping to guide them to make educated food choices knowing how each of the ingredients can benefit their bodies. Teaching students how to make meals from scratch in Year 8 allows them to experiment with a wide range of ingredients giving them the confidence to try foods from a variety of cultures with additional nutritional benefits. Throughout every year group the Eatwell Guide is referred to, encouraging independence in planning their own balanced diets.”

We endeavour to continue educating and supporting our girls in leading a healthy lifestyle, so as they grow more independent they can make healthy and balanced decisions with their food which we know will help them fulfil their potential not only in their academics, but in all areas of their life.


For more information on how we support our students download our prospectus HERE or get in touch


Date Posted: 4 January, 2023

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