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Breaktime with Mr Mortimore


We’re delighted to introduce to the school our new PE teacher, hockey expert and all-round outdoor adventurer Mr Jamie Mortimore. Having been Head of Hockey at a leading local school, Jamie has a wealth of experience helping others with their sport and we couldn’t be more thrilled to have him join our school community.

We caught up with him on the Astro to find out a little more about him…

Tell us a bit about yourself…

I'm an ex-outdoor pursuits instructor, turned hockey coach, turned PE teacher! I grew up in Bristol and attended Collegiate School as a boy so I know the city well. Hockey has always been a passion for me, and I've been fortunate to play for Clifton Robinsons Hockey Club for over 20 years. For the past three years, I have also been the 1st XI Captain which is a great honour. I play for Wales Over 35’s as well and I'm sponsored by Y1 Hockey

As well as the hockey experience, I'm joining Redmaids' High having previously worked at Beechen Cliff and before that, I worked at Clifton College - I've been so lucky to work within such great schools and I absolutely love it - it's such a privilege to play a part in shaping the future of so many students with their sports endeavours.

What inspired you to join Redmaids’ High?

Growing up in the area and knowing Bristol so well, I have always been interested in the progress of Redmaids’ High. I have played hockey here many times and through links with my hockey club I was made aware of the recent expansion of the school's sporting facilities which are just first-class. I'm so excited to join a strong and successful department where I can not only help to further enhance the hockey provision at the school, but I know I will also learn so much and continue my development as a teacher and coach. 

What is your favourite hockey memory from your school days?

Watching the new AstroTurf being installed and knowing it was going to have a big impact on hockey at the school was so exciting and definitely a fond memory for me. The experience was made even better when we won our first match on it against our old foes Clifton College - I had my family and friends watching from the sidelines too which was great. 

Why is sport important?

Sport is important because it teaches you so many life skills and gives you a constant circle of friends which grows and changes as you move through life.  

Do you have a mantra that you live by?

Hard work beats talent when talent doesn’t work hard. 

Tell us something fun about yourself that may surprise us...

I am a huge Disney fan and love all of the old movies. I was once caught by some Year 5’s singing along to 'A Whole New World' at the back of a school rehearsal for Aladdin. Safe to say they were a little surprised that their PE teacher was singing Jasmine's lines...


And finally, what are you looking forward to the most during your first term here at Redmaids' High?

Lunch looks awesome!


To find out more about our PE Department and Sports curriculum visit our Sports Microsite or follow the department on Twitter: @RedMaidsPE and @RedmaidsNova and Instagram: RedmaidshighPE

Date Posted: 16 January, 2023

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