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Helping you find your Outdoor Sport Adventure

20220326_104055Sport for our students is life changing. The skills that are nurtured and the lessons that are learnt not only help them on the field, but also enrich their lives beyond. Sport symbolises so much of what life encompasses; it is about looking after your physical and mental health, and it requires independence, teamwork, discipline, communication, resilience. Problem-solving and decision-making, and it gives us the capability to manage our emotions; to be humble when we succeed and to be gracious when we don't. 

And at Redmaids’ High we believe that every student should have the opportunity to be given the gifts that sport offers us.

Alongside our traditional school games in hockey, netball and cricket, our Outdoor Adventures initiative offers our students the opportunity to discover and excel in alternative sporting pursuits. Skateboarding, surfing, kayaking, orienteering and bouldering are to name only a few. It is our mission to help every girl find their sport - to give each and every one of them the chance to enjoy being outdoors, to set goals and love improving, and be able to have the chance to wear a unified kit with their teammates, and be proud to represent themselves and the school in their chosen competition.

And we are proud to know the difference this inclusivity is making to our school life. We have new friendship groups created, new role models appearing, and a community of young women thriving in outdoor adventures they perhaps never knew they loved.20211114_141318

“I love skateboarding because it gets me outdoors and I get to meet nice people who like the same things as me,” Says Olivia in Year 9. “At school, we do regular skateboarding trips - it's really fun and all the people are really lovely. Plus, the recent achievements of Sky Brown in the Olympics has made many teenagers recognise skateboarding for the amazing sport it is!”

Ellie in Year 9 says, "I am a keen climber, indoors and out, I started climbing when I was seven and Redmaids’ High has helped me continue my passion. Over the last year I have competed in the South West Bouldering League with teams from school. Last year our team of three girls came first in our age group and I hope to continue our success this year. I love it because it challenges my athletic ability and helps me develop my problem-solving skills.”

And keen orienteer Emily in Year 13 says, “There is something magical about running through the forest to find a land feature that you would never have noticed if you stuck to the paths. My favourite place to orienteer is in sand dunes; it’s amazing to run and hear the sea at the same time. Orienteering has also given me the opportunity to be part of the South West and South squad, it has been amazing to regularly meet up with like-minded people, travel to some beautiful places and really feel a part of something.” 

Striving for that sense of belonging for each of our students is the driving force behind our sports programmes and it is at the heart of all that we do at Redmaids’ High. As a school we know that if we can help support every student find their outdoor sport adventure, we can give them that sense of belonging, and in return we know that their sport will help them discover and be so much more.


To find out more about our Outdoor Adventures programme click HERE.



Date Posted: 22 February, 2023

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