Breaktime with Mrs Hinks
We're delighted to introduce our new Head of Junior School Sport, Miss Rebecca Pratt. Joining us from Radnor House in Twickenham, we caught up with Rebecca to get to know her a little better and to find out what she's looking forward to the most as she joins the Redmaids' High community.
1. Tell us a bit about yourself. Where have you been teaching up until now?
I am relocating to Bristol with my fiancé and daughter after living in London for the past 15 years. I started my teaching career at Queenswood School as a hockey specialist then moved to Woldingham School as Head of Hockey. In my most recent role, I have been Assistant Director of Sport overseeing Girls’ sport at Radnor House Twickenham.
2. What influenced you into this line of career path?
My PE teachers! At school, I was given lots of encouragement and many leadership opportunities which evolved into a love of passing on my passion for sport to others. This continued when I went to St Mary’s University, Twickenham to study Physical Education, which further confirmed that this was the career for me.
3. What is your favourite aspect of teaching?
I am a firm believer in finding a sport for everyone! I really enjoy the variety of a PE curriculum and allowing pupils to explore all the opportunities that sport and PE has to offer. I always strive to offer a broad curriculum, with the aim that every pupil finds their love of sport whether it be cycling, ultimate Frisbee, or hockey!
4. What do you hope to accomplish in your first few months at Redmaids' High?
My main objective primarily will most certainly be to get to know the school and the girls. Then look to build upon the already hugely successful sporting reputation of Redmaids' High promoting both sporting excellence and sport for all.
5. Which personal sporting achievements are you most proud of?
I am a passionate sportswoman and enjoy all the challenges that sport has to offer. In 2019 I completed the London marathon, after months of training it was a huge relief to cross the finish line!
6. What advice would you give to your pupils?
Don’t be afraid of a challenge, sport is full of different obstacles. The best athletes in the world make mistakes, but reflecting on and overcoming them is the biggest test of all!
7. If you could choose anyone, who would you pick as your mentor and why?
Given the incredible success of the lionesses this summer, it would have to be Sarina Wiegman, England Manager. A trailblazer for women’s sport and widely regarded as one of the best in the women’s game, who also started life as a PE teacher.
To find out more about our PE curriculum and meet Miss Pratt and other members of our Junior School team, why not join us for a visiting event in the Autumn term. Click the button below to find out more.