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Finding the right path: The International Baccalaureate Diploma

Daisy _IB photo

The International Baccalaureate (IB) Diploma is a prestigious, well-recognised qualification worldwide and highly valued by top universities. In 2008 we became the first IB World School in Bristol, and since then, we have achieved outstanding exam results. An inspiring aspect of IB is its capacity to encourage students to become internationally minded by exposing them to a wide range of cultural, social, and ethical issues.

Daisy Newbold-Harrop, Class of 2016, and Global Politics postgraduate student at the London School of Economics and Political Science, shared her IB experience with us:

"After graduating from the IB programme at Redmaids' High, I went on to study BA Philosophy and Politics with Study Abroad at the University of Exeter. I spent the first half of my study abroad year at the Australian National University, and the second at Kyoto University, Japan. After I completed my undergraduate degree, I enrolled on the MSc Global Politics programme at the London School of Economics and Political Science (LSE). From which I am due to graduate in December 2022.

Between completing my undergraduate degree at Exeter in 2020 and beginning my master’s degree in 2021, I worked in operations management for an international charity for a year, and have continued doing freelance operations and event management work for a number of other charities and research organisations alongside my master’s studies. Regarding my future plans, I am currently exploring the options of charity sector event management, government policy research, and party politics.

While my IB days are now a fair way behind me, I still occasionally bond with people I meet over the fact that we both did the IB Diploma. I do still believe that I likely wouldn't be where I am today had I not done the IB, primarily because it bought me more time during my undergraduate degree to pursue my own independent learning. While other students were spending their time getting their academic writing and critical thinking skills up to standard (which I'd had a head-start on, thanks to the IB), I was learning about effective altruism as a social movement and philosophical framework, which focuses on discovering how one can maximise their social impact through their education and career. Effective altruism still plays a large role in my life, and has been the source of most of my career opportunities to-date. Without the head-start that the IB gave me, I likely wouldn't have prioritised the pursuit of independent learning in this way.

I'm still reaping the benefits of the IB Diploma today: the strong work ethic, global viewpoint, and broad range of technical skills it provides gave me a head-start in my university career, at both academics and in my extracurricular endeavours. Because of this, I've had many opportunities that I don't think I would have had, had I not chosen the IB - I don't regret it for a second!"


Date Posted: 27 May, 2022

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